Peoplease Risk & Safety FAQs

Does Peoplease help with developing safety programs?

Yes, we provide support for developing comprehensive safety programs. This includes reviewing your current policies and procedures with recommendations, providing program samples that can be customized, and offering best practices guidance tailored to your organization's needs and risks.

Does Peoplease help with workers’ compensation claims and administration?

Yes, Peoplease provides complete end-to-end workers' compensation claims management services. In addition, we will analyze your claims history and provide improvement recommendations based on identifying incident trends to help prevent future losses.

What employee training services do you provide related to workplace safety?

Our team can support creating an employee safety manual, train the trainer programs, conduct safety audits and inspections, provide post-audit reports and training recommendations, as well as supply online sample safety training materials.

Does Peoplease offer any support with OSHA or DOT?

Yes, Peoplease can offer support services for certain DOT requirements, as well as OSHA compliance assistance including mock inspections. Our safety experts help provide you with the resources so you are better prepared to meet applicable regulations.

Tell me more about Peoplease Risk & Safety solutions.